Yamaha U1 SH3
Com 121 cm de altura, é desde há muito e de forma consistente um dos pianos favoritos dos pianistas mais exigentes, o Yamaha U1 representa o padrão em pianos verticais. Este é um SILENT Piano™ modelo SH3.
Sob Encomenda (Entrega acima de 6 meses)

Este instrumento é vendido exclusivamente sob encomenda aqui no Brasil.
O que isso significa?
Para lhe informar o preço oficial e o prazo de entrega, iremos enviar um pedido de cotação para a Yamaha Japão.
Se o modelo que procura já tiver sido comercializado no Brasil alguma vez, a resposta é mais rápida.
Caso seja um modelo que nunca foi comercializado a reposta irá levar um tempo extra.
O prazo de entrega varia de acordo com o modelo, linha e tecnologia do produto. Mas em média entre 8 e 12 meses.
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A loja de PIANOS
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Fora de estoque
Os martelos do Yamaha U1 oferecem um desempenho musical excepcional, servindo como padrão de comparação para outros pianos verticais. A funcionalidade Silent foi adicionada a este U1. Este é um Silent Piano™ tipo SH que oferece fonte de som de um CFX.
- Piano vertical, 88 teclas, 3 pedais, com banco
- Tipo de pedal: Pedal Tonal, una-corda, sustain
- Comprimento: 62cm
- Largura: 153cm
- Altura: 121cm
- Peso: 232kg
- Design avançado
- Tábua harmônica e estrutura
- Martelos redesenhados
- Ribaltina com fechamento suave
- Made in Yamaha Japão
Design avançado de escala
Melhorias em todos os elementos da produção de som dão à série U atual maior riqueza e ressonância com timbre uniforme equilibrado em todo o teclado.
Tábua harmônica e estrutura
As configurações especiais dos leques acrescentam força à tábua harmônica, enquanto as travessas de sustentação e outras melhorias aumentam ainda mais a rigidez, ressonância e estabilidade estrutural.
Martelos redesenhados
Os martelos da Série US usam materiais selecionados especificamente para cada modelo, a fim de fornecer uma produção ideal de timbres, resposta e grande durabilidade.
Ribaltina com fechamento suave
Um mecanismo de amortecimento, primeiramente usado apenas em pianos de cauda, impede que a ribaltina caia de forma brusca no teclado, protegendo contra lesões ou danos acidentais.
SU7 SH3 |
SE132 SH3 |
SE122 SH3 |
YUS5 SH3 |
YUS3 SH3 |
YUS1 SH3 |
U3 SH3 |
U1 SH3 |
P121 SH3 |
S7X SH3 |
S6X SH3 |
S5X SH3 |
S3X SH3 |
C7X SH3 |
C6X SH3 |
C5X SH3 |
C3X SH3 |
C2X SH3 |
C2X Chrome SH3 |
C1X SH3 |
GC2 SH3 |
Size/Weight | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Dimensions | Width | 155 cm (61″) | 152 cm (60″) | 152 cm (60″) | 152 cm (59 3/4″) | 152 cm (59 3/4″) | 152 cm (59 3/4″) | 153 cm (60 1/4″) | 153 cm (60 1/4″) | 154 cm (60 3/4″) | 155 cm (61″) | 154 cm (61″) | 149 cm (59″) | 149 cm (59″) | 155 cm (61″) | 154 cm (61″) | 149 cm (59″) | 149 cm (59″) | 149 cm (59″) | 149 cm (59″) | 149 cm (59″) | 149 cm (59″) |
Height | 131 cm (51 1/2″) | 132 cm (52″) | 122 cm (48″) | 131 cm (51 1/2″) | 131 cm (51 1/2″) | 121 cm (47 3/4″) | 131 cm (51 1/2″) | 121 cm (47 3/4″) | 121 cm (47 3/4″) | 102 cm (40 1/2″) | 102 cm (40 1/2″) | 101 cm (40″) | 101 cm (40″) | 102 cm (40 1/2″) | 102 cm (40 1/2″) | 101 cm (40″) | 101 cm (40″) | 101 cm (40″) | 101 cm (40″) | 101 cm (40″) | 101 cm (40″) | |
Depth | 67 cm (26 1/2″) | 65 cm (25 1/2″) | 65 cm (25 1/2″) | 65 cm (25 1/2″) | 65 cm (25 1/2″) | 62 cm (24 1/2″) | 65 cm (25 1/2″) | 62 cm (24 1/2″) | 62 cm (24 1/2″) | 227 cm (7’6″) | 212 cm (7′) | 200 cm (6’7″) | 186 cm (6’1″) | 227 cm (7’6″) | 212 cm (7′) | 200 cm (6’7″) | 186 cm (6’1″) | 173 cm (5’8″) | 173 cm (5’8″) | 161 cm (5’3″) | 173 cm (5’8″) | |
Weight | Weight | 277 kg (610 lb) | 256 kg (564 lb) | 245 kg (539 lb) | 257 kg (566 lb) | 251 kg (553 lb) | 233 kg (512 lb) | 250 kg (550 lb) | 232 kg (511 lb) | 238 kg (524 lb) | 419 kg (923 lb) | 399 kg (878 lb) | 359 kg (791 lb) | 339 kg (747 lb) | 424 kg (932 lb) | 414 kg (912 lb) | 359 kg (789 lb) | 329 kg (723 lb) | 314 kg (690 lb) | 314 kg (690 lb) | 299 kg (657 lb) | 314 kg (693 lb) |
Control Interface | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Keyboard | Key Surfaces – White | Ivorite | Acrylic resin | Acrylic resin | Ivorite | Acrylic resin | Acrylic resin | Acrylic resin | Acrylic resin | Acrylic resin | Ivorite | Ivorite | Ivorite | Ivorite | Ivorite | Ivorite | Ivorite | Ivorite | Ivorite | Ivorite | Ivorite | Acrylic resin |
Key Surfaces – Black | WPC | Phenolic resin | Phenolic resin | WPC | Phenolic resin | Phenolic resin | Phenolic resin | Phenolic resin | Phenolic resin | WPC | WPC | WPC | WPC | WPC | WPC | WPC | WPC | WPC | WPC | WPC | Phenolic resin | |
Hammer | Type | SU7 Special | SE Series Special | SE Series Special | YUS Series Special | YUS Series Special | YUS Series Special | U Series Special | U Series Special | P Series Special | SX Series Special | SX Series Special | SX Series Special | SX Series Special | CX Series Special | CX Series Special | CX Series Special | CX Series Special | CX Series Special | CX Series Special | CX Series Special | GC Series Special |
Pedal | Tipo | Damper/Sostenuto/Soft | Damper/Sostenuto/Soft | Damper/Silencing pedal/Soft | Damper/Sostenuto/Soft | Damper/Silencing pedal/Soft | Damper/Silencing pedal/Soft | Damper/Silencing pedal/Soft | Damper/Silencing pedal/Soft | Damper/Silencing pedal/Soft | Damper/Sostenuto/Shift | Damper/Sostenuto/Shift | Damper/Sostenuto/Shift | Damper/Sostenuto/Shift | Damper/Sostenuto/Shift | Damper/Sostenuto/Shift | Damper/Sostenuto/Shift | Damper/Sostenuto/Shift | Damper/Sostenuto/Shift | Damper/Sostenuto/Shift (chorme coated) | Damper/Sostenuto/Shift | Damper/Sostenuto/Shift |
Design/Architecture Detail | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Caster | Type | Single Caster | Double Caster | Double Caster | Double Caster | Double Caster | Double Caster | Double Caster | Double Caster | Double Caster | Double Caster | Double Caster | Double Caster | Double Caster | Double Caster | Double Caster | Single Caster | Single Caster | Single Caster | Single Caster (chorme coated) | Single Caster | Single Caster |
Cabinet | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Lid | Prop Safety Stop | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Key Cover | Lid/Fallboard Locks | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | – | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | – |
Soft-Close Fallboard | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | – | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Sensor System | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Key Sensors | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | Non-contact continuous detection electromagnetic inductive sensor | |
Hammer Sensors | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | Non-contact 2-point optical fiber sensor | Non-contact 2-point optical fiber sensor | Non-contact 2-point optical fiber sensor | Non-contact 2-point optical fiber sensor | Non-contact 2-point optical fiber sensor | Non-contact 2-point optical fiber sensor | Non-contact 2-point optical fiber sensor | Non-contact 2-point optical fiber sensor | Non-contact 2-point optical fiber sensor | Non-contact 2-point optical fiber sensor | Non-contact 2-point optical fiber sensor | Non-contact 2-point optical fiber sensor | |
Damper Pedal | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | Continuous detection sensor | |
Sostenuto Pedal | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | – | On/Off detection sensor | – | – | – | – | – | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | |
Soft/Shift Pedal | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | On/Off detection sensor | |
Silencing System | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Mechanism | Hammer shank stopper operated by silencing lever | Hammer shank stopper operated by silencing lever | Hammer shank stopper operated by center pedal | Hammer shank stopper operated by silencing lever | Hammer shank stopper operated by center pedal | Hammer shank stopper operated by center pedal | Hammer shank stopper operated by center pedal | Hammer shank stopper operated by center pedal | Hammer shank stopper operated by center pedal | Hammer shank stopper operated by motor drive | Hammer shank stopper operated by motor drive | Hammer shank stopper operated by motor drive | Hammer shank stopper operated by motor drive | Hammer shank stopper operated by motor drive | Hammer shank stopper operated by motor drive | Hammer shank stopper operated by motor drive | Hammer shank stopper operated by motor drive | Hammer shank stopper operated by motor drive | Hammer shank stopper operated by motor drive | Hammer shank stopper operated by motor drive | Hammer shank stopper operated by motor drive | |
Action | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | Quick Escape mechanism | Quick Escape mechanism | Quick Escape mechanism | Quick Escape mechanism | Quick Escape mechanism | Quick Escape mechanism | Quick Escape mechanism | Quick Escape mechanism | Quick Escape mechanism | Quick Escape mechanism | Quick Escape mechanism | Quick Escape mechanism | |
Voices | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Tone Generation | Piano Sound | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial | Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial |
Forte Piano | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Binaural Sampling | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | Yes (Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial) | |
VRM | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Grand Expression Modeling | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Key-off Samples | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Smooth Release | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Polyphony (max.) | 256 | 256 | 256 | 256 | 256 | 256 | 256 | 256 | 256 | 256 | 256 | 256 | 256 | 256 | 256 | 256 | 256 | 256 | 256 | 256 | 256 | |
Preset | Number of Voices | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 |
Voices for Song Playback | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | 480 XG Voices + 12 Drum/SFX Kits | |
Effects | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Types | Reverb | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Brilliance | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Stereophonic Optimizer | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | Yes (piano Voices other than “CFX Grand” and “Bösendorfer”) | |
Songs (MIDI) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Preset | Number of Preset Songs | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics | 25 Voice Demo Songs, 50 Classics |
Recording | Number of Songs | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Number of Tracks | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | |
Data Capacity(max.) | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | approx. 500 KB/Song | |
Format | Playback | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) | SMF (Format 0, Format 1) |
Recording | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | SMF (Format 0) | |
Recording/Playback (Audio) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Recording Time (max.) | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | 80 minutes/Song | |
Format | Playback | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) |
Recording | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | WAV (44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) | |
Functions | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Rhythm Patterns | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | |
Overall Controls | Metronome | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Tempo Range | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | 5 – 500 | |
Transpose | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | -12 – 0 – +12 | |
Tuning | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | 414.8 – 440.0 – 466.8 Hz (approx. 0.2 Hz increments) | |
Control Interface | Display | 7-Seg | 7-Seg | 7-Seg | 7-Seg | 7-Seg | 7-Seg | 7-Seg | 7-Seg | 7-Seg | 7-Seg | 7-Seg | 7-Seg | 7-Seg | 7-Seg | 7-Seg | 7-Seg | 7-Seg | 7-Seg | 7-Seg | 7-Seg | 7-Seg |
Bluetooth | Yes (Audio/MIDI) *May not have this functionality depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | Yes (Audio/MIDI) *May not have this functionality depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | Yes (Audio/MIDI) *May not have this functionality depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | Yes (Audio/MIDI) *May not have this functionality depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | Yes (Audio/MIDI) *May not have this functionality depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | Yes (Audio/MIDI) *May not have this functionality depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | Yes (Audio/MIDI) *May not have this functionality depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | Yes (Audio/MIDI) *May not have this functionality depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | Yes (Audio/MIDI) *May not have this functionality depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes (Audio/MIDI) *May not have this functionality depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | Yes (Audio/MIDI) *May not have this functionality depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | Yes (Audio/MIDI) *May not have this functionality depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | Yes (Audio/MIDI) *May not have this functionality depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | Yes (Audio/MIDI) *May not have this functionality depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | Yes (Audio/MIDI) *May not have this functionality depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | Yes (Audio/MIDI) *May not have this functionality depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | Yes (Audio/MIDI) *May not have this functionality depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | |
Storage and Connectivity | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Storage | Internal Memory | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB | approx. 1.3 MB |
External Drives | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | USB flash drive | |
Extensive Connection | Headphones | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) | Stereo mini jack (x2) |
AUX IN | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | Stereo mini jack | |
AUX OUT | [L/L+R][R] (Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R] (Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R] (Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R] (Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R] (Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R] (Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R] (Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R] (Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R] (Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R] (Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R](Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R] (Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R](Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R] (Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R] (Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R] (Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R] (Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R] (Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R] (Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R] (Standard phone jack) | [L/L+R][R] (Standard phone jack) | |
USB TO DEVICE | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
USB TO HOST | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Power Supply | ||||||||||||||||||||||
AC Adaptor | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | PA-300C (or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) | |
Power Consumption | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | 8 W (When using PA-300C AC adaptor) | |
Auto Power Off | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Acessórios | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Acessórios incluídos | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | AC adaptor*, power cord*, headphones, headphone hanger, attachment screws for headphone hanger, “50 Classical Music Masterpieces” music book, Owner’s Manual *May not be included depending on your area. Check with your Yamaha dealer. | |
Accessories | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Separately Sold Accessories | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. | USB wireless LAN adaptor (UD-WL01) *May not be available depending on your area. |